Mr. Fangtastic was born in Andernach on August 01, 1969 and has been performing on stages since the age of 12.Apart from his appearences as the frontman of different bands he has worked with rock and roll legends such as Niko Arvanitis (Warlock) und Joey de Majo (Manowar) in the past.
In the year 2000 it was him who had the idea for VAMPIRE and founded the band (and for this we will always be grateful to him!). It doesn't matter if it's powerful rock hymns, emotional ballads or sometimes even a Schlager song or a nursery rhyme – that man just has it!
With a voice that gets under your skin, a unique charisma and his numerous jokes, he charms the audience from the start and heats up every venue, no matter how cold it is outside (for example minus 30 °C on the German mountain Erbeskopf).